Orientation Programme with Sub-Registrars Give Space to Silence as it Will Lead ‘You’ Towards….YOU!


We are running every day with utmost pace but we are still on the same page. This friction in our steps whilst in the lifelong journey embarking an entrenchment swaying conflicts.

With the aforesaid reality checks and to reach up to the required solutions, an orientation programme on “Nonviolence Conflict Resolution and Nonviolent Communication” for Sub-Registrars (Revenue Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi) was organized on April 28, 2018 by the Samiti at Gandhi Darshan.

After a brief introduction of the GSDS, Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu (Program Officer, GSDS) outlined the aim and objectives of the training programme. While speaking on the benefits of the programme, he added that the program could help participants to deal with the situation without using coercive methods and violence in dealings with day to day lives.

The First session was conducted by Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan (Director, GSDS), who began his session by sharing his experiences while working in the Revenue Department. Through the course of introspection and discussion with the participants, he cited the inevitable reasons behind the stressful life of Sub Registrars when dealing with the public (suffer from interference or overindulgence).

While taking a reference from the life of Mahatma Gandhi, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan pointed that during his whole life, the Mahatma faced an innumerable crisis from various corners related to conflicts, disparities. But even after facing such stringent conditions, there is not even a single case of violence that had been noticed in his behavior or actions.

Quoting Gautam Buddha, who said: “Words has the power to both destroy and create”, Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu started his session while asking every participant to keep a notice of what you say. They were then apprised with the concept of violence, struggle and peace. Further, Health model based on non-violent communication was discussed as describing Honesty, Empathy, Acceptance, Listening and Trust as the basic constraint for peaceful communication. Then while discussing about the tools to adapt Nonviolent communication in life he asked everyone to promote capabilities, such as a power of self-introspection, careful selection of words, understand people and situation, relationship development, bridging human to human or soul to soul connection, development of emotional vocabulary,etc.

In her session, Ms.Anupama Jha took a reality check while describing the problems and their solution. She said that there is a free will to choose who/what is more important – the more you resist the problem, the more it will tend to come out – if you are blaming circumstances that mean you are resisting and actually you are not accepting them. She then described a complete demarcation between spiritualism and religion. She said that spirituality is all about that hundred percent concentration is on you that means you are completely delving within yourself. By finding yourself you are prone to love yourself which eventually leads to happiness and there starts a journey when you will be all set to do good to/for others.

Then she explained the function of heart and mind in decision making. She explained that when it is about logics or judgments, we use our mind rather than the heart. But working with mind every time we make ego as our friend which is actually a false image of self at play. If our ego is at work then our desires never end. It is true that our brain cannot understand the difference between imagination and reality. Its all about what we reap depends on what we sow.

She further conducted a “Meet Yourself Program” through Prayanam followed by meditation leading everyone present there in the silence but relaxed.